What's so special? There'll be 5 very interesting facts about 5 different pokemons per month. You may wonder why it will take so long to be updated again because I've got to FIND IT! If you want it more interesting, I may need more time. If you don't want it that interesting, you'll see more facts but less interesting.
5 Special Facts
Ditto- Ever wonder how to draw a Ditto? Of course, just draw it anyway you want! But did you ever notice it's two lumps above his eyes sometimes?
Honou- Sounds weird, doesn't it? Well, it isn't that bad you know. It actually means Golden Phoenix.
Digletts + Dugtrios- I wonder how they dig, don't you? Well, they're not those handless and legless animals, they are actually moles.
Zapdos vs. Articuno- Zapdos and Articuno may have the advantage over each other, but who actually will win. To my calculation, Zapdos attack is better than Articuno so Zapdos may win if his thunder scores. If he misses, blizzard has more of a high chance hit rating than thunder so Articuno will win if he uses it.
Episodes + Movies- One time, Brock defeated Team Rocket by using super sonic to make them confuse and hit their own teammates. Well, why didn't Brock used Zubat in Mewtwo Strikes Back. Won't Mewtwo defeat his own clones ^_^


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